Sunday, September 3, 2006

"Labor" Day weekend

This is suppose to be a "labor-less" weekend , Am I correct?
Isn't that what Labor Day was for...To relax, reflex and enjoy the last lazy days of summer?
Well.... Then can someone PLEASE explain to me WHY I'm working my keester off w/ Doc....This is probably his last weekend free for a long time...[He'll be starting the Christmas Lights for Copeland (another story, another time)] so he's trying to get tons of yard stuff done....OKAY, but couldn't he do that on his own...NAh, now why shouldn't both of us LABOR...I thought I did enough of that for 15 hrs 11 yrs ago, but it was just the beginning.
Why did I get swimmers ear? (though we don't have a pool). I could have been in Texas kicked back, chilled and watching Matthew drive his Papa & Nana crazy...ahh the life...Guess I'll just have to wait til next year...

1 comment:

  1. hehe! I feel the same way ... no laboring on labor day weekend would be nice.

    Where's the pool boy with the mudslides when you need him? :-)
